Here's a list of bugs I've compiled;
1) Computer Repair Bug; Repair only takes CD from bank. If 0 CD in bank you cannot heal. [DONE]
2) Gang forums have bugs; Sometimes when posting it doesn't show the post. Quoting and Tracking is buggy.
3) Daily Unique challenge does not work. The code must only check for 1 challenge complete then jumps to completion instead of checking for other.
4) Unique challenge ticker/identifier does not display specific Mission
5) You can buy your own listings in market.
6) Go hacking needs work; When not the right Lvl or without enough energy, after clicking the hack you just get a [go back] button and no dialog.
7) There has been occasions when both lvl and energy is correct but you still get the [Go Back] no dialog scenario
If you guys have any more issues/suggestions post them here. These are currently being worked on.