Alright then...
I believe in an all powerful, omnipresent, omnipotent God. However, He has written a book for every person that has ever lived and will be born and they have no choice, but to follow what is written in that book. Silly people think they have free will and free choices, but in reality they don't. It's all written in their book what they will and what choices they will make. The Bible even says this. For instance in the Lord's prayer it says, 'Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' It's His will that is done on earth and in heaven. Not your will!! Many people tried running, thinking they had the choice to do so.

What a laugh

Jonah ended up in a whale for three days and nights and finally went and did what God told him to do. All because it was written in his book. There was one guy I think it was Methusela that all it says about him was he lived 1000 years then died. That's all that was written in his book. What a sad and boring life he must have had.
Anyways, that's basically my philosophy on life and religion. I do respect people's beliefs, but I may not agree with them. So yeah....