You can't tell how long it is until a reset without checking the clock tower all the time and so can loose ECs by using them too near the hour or not know when to refresh a page to do gang war kills etc.
Suggested Implementation
In the layouts, add at the top of the page (maybe above user name) the current server time (rather than local time) so we know when the next hourly and daily reset is
Improvements This Makes
You can use ECs nearer the time and can refresh pages knowing the reset has happened, preventing unnecessary refreshing before the reset.
Possible Drawbacks
I don't know how coding/websites work, but having this on every page could slow down the server or something I don't know about

You can just use your ECs at a sensible time and continue to f5 reset dependant pages.
I'm sure this update isn't too hard to code in, and although I don't know about the effects on the server it is already implemented on some pages, and would reduce unneeded pre-reset page loading.
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