Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Approved Suggestions

Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Phildo on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:24:01 +0000

Yeah, I like the idea.. but not sure if cyber-wars has enough coders to finish a project like this.
I'm guessing it would be more than just a few lines of code on this one..... but I could be wrong.
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby [OSX]-Luffy- on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:42:19 +0000

Trin I kinda like your idea, though I thinking check points instead, like x<10 = 100k, 11-20 = 600k and x>20 = 1.2 mil, with the payments being done once a month instead. These numbers have no calculations done with them, I just pulled them out of my ass. I also like the idea of preventing the kicking and inviting to hide from it, Except rather than a 11th/12th/13th number being a certain amount, I think it should just be one number, say 50k.

This Idea is a good one, because it will prevent many things, Gangs being full of inactives and it will promote players being more active making sure the gang will see them being their worth in keeping them, and it will also keep money from building up like before the reset.
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Rusty on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:04:14 +0000

Sounds interesting... I may just like it!
I'm sure it can't be too hard to code. Although I know jack all about it, something simple (convert my english to computer :P) like: 'at reset, remove [(Memebers)^1.2]*1000 CDs' (numbers also pulled out of luffy's number generating arse ;)) etc.
My economic report shows CW is running at a surplus of about 5 mil a day, which is ok for now but in a few months will become a problem.

Trinexx wrote:Sorry if this seems a little unclear, I can't think of a way to explain it properly.

For giving me the chance to plug both my economy report and now my recomended suggestion format, I'll type it out in that format for you if you like ;)
(Ok, I promise not to do any more plugging today XD)

-- Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:06:16 +0000 --

Oh, and one flaw I may have just noticed is that this encourages splinter gangs over one big gang, which IMO aren't as much fun :P So exponential might not be such a good idea (Luffy's discreet method may work better).
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Rusty on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 20:35:13 +0000

Trinexx wrote:Nah, they'd boot inactive/dead-weight members before forking. Also, using websites instead would finally give those goddamn things a purpose besides cap scouts

Eventually when everyone is over lvl 100 they'll be used for healing too.

And they would be for your system too. It's just that this system means there are 3 'tiers' of gangs, which also dictate what types of gang wars you can do. Maybe the privilege of a 1k kill war should cost money...
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Diseased Violence on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:01:36 +0000

Trin, so before reset everybody gets booted and sent an invite so the gang upkeep will only be at the minimum...

Junny, then we will probably see more of the pussy moves that DD and ONE have been doing in gang wars...


Back on topic..

If we have like a sign in when your in a gang.. If you sign in your no cost for the gang, if you do not sign in the gang must pay an upkeep. Maybe a penalty for not signing in several days also, like 5% added each day you do not sign in.
Last edited by Diseased Violence on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 23:00:56 +0000, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Diseased Violence on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:28:43 +0000

Good good..
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Myckaal on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 15:48:32 +0000

I think this would be a cool idea
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby valtam on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 18:16:38 +0000

Skimming across this idea quickly, it seems to me that this will be something that will just make people not bother with gangs at all, as it will be too expensive. The only physical benefit from gangs come from eventual gang war victories, correct? Having to dish out mountains of cash merely for a potential occasional stat-boost that also requires hella lot of energy doesn't seem worth it from an entirely pragmatic point of view.

A real money sink should be placed at the training facility. The fees you have to pay per train now is completely negligable, they should scale with the amount of energy you spend in there. The change would most definately not be welcomed by most people I assume, as it will make the game a whole lot harder, but it would also be extremely effective at keeping the inflation in check.
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Rusty on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 20:48:29 +0000

This topic has gone way too off topic

Junny and 107$: Please repost your ideas as a new topic or in Myck's topic on other forms of gang war (or give me permission to move the post), as they are not criticisms or amendments to this idea, but completely fresh ones (which are both quite good, but not for this topic ;))

Valtam: Either repost the second half of your post as a new topic, or I'll do so and steal all the credit ;)
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Myckaal on Wed, 13 Jan 2010 23:15:11 +0000

I'd reduce the numbers on it ... otherwise owning a gang would effectively be all you did. You'd end up spending all your time getting the money to pay for your members. Eventually it would get expensive to keep one running. It would eliminate massive gangs, though.
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Rusty on Thu, 14 Jan 2010 00:10:35 +0000

|OSX| Junny wrote:
|:/|Rusty wrote:This topic has gone way too off topic

Junny and 107$: Please repost your ideas as a new topic or in Myck's topic on other forms of gang war (or give me permission to move the post), as they are not criticisms or amendments to this idea, but completely fresh ones (which are both quite good, but not for this topic ;))

You really mind moving it? YOU GOT THE DAMN PERMS!

I'll take this as a yes. I don't want people bitching that I moved their post without telling them.
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Void is a BIG FAGGOT on Thu, 14 Jan 2010 00:53:44 +0000

|OSX|Rusty wrote:
|OSX| Junny wrote:
|:/|Rusty wrote:This topic has gone way too off topic

Junny and 107$: Please repost your ideas as a new topic or in Myck's topic on other forms of gang war (or give me permission to move the post), as they are not criticisms or amendments to this idea, but completely fresh ones (which are both quite good, but not for this topic ;))

You really mind moving it? YOU GOT THE DAMN PERMS!

I'll take this as a yes. I don't want people bitching that I moved their post without telling them.

Oh, be my guest... you can move any of my posts... Ask before deleting.
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby [OSX]-Luffy- on Fri, 22 Jan 2010 19:18:12 +0000

I nominate for top suggestions
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Re: Money sink: Gang upkeep.

Postby Orsm on Sun, 24 Jan 2010 05:48:33 +0000

I have been looking at this option already BUT its not on the current list of additions.

I will move this to top suggestions so it can be debated on further
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